An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi
All is Welcome Here
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
So the call of all Nondual traditions is: Abide as Emptiness, embrace all Form. The liberation is in the Emptiness, never in the Form, but Emptiness embraces all forms as a mirror of all its objects. You and the universe are One Taste.
*Ken Wilber. A Brief History of Everything.
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The irony of the East Indian saying that the mystic goes from "The Alone to the Alone" holds within itself a conceptual paradox. I allow myself to drop into, or be ushered into, what seems like an abyss of infinite aloneness, even apartness. There I am, ironically, where I am I AM with everyone. Only in being initiated into the aloneness, do I know myself as the Alone alone and with everyone. Alone means the pure, infinite Simplicity, however a Singleness containing the Plurality in which the Alone returns to Itself. I sink into the felt aloneness, arriving, so to speak, to see this is Home and I am never alone, but only feel alone. Yet, now, it will not be a mental realization to talk of. This is more, as it eternally is. Community is no longer a plurality, and not a singleness, not conceptually. There is no other, even as there is no not other. Within this aloneness, even the idea aloneness, which is not an emotional feeling but a deeper Feeling, or Sensation, is a movement out of the Alone, which is the Source of separation and togetherness. Development of a toleration for aloneness as body-mind sensate experience is essential to develop the sense of being the Alone, for in Presence the plurality of one and many arises from before even one, for one can only be one if there is movement from the pure, infinite Simplicity of Presence. Then, even to say something like "God is One" is to say "God is not One." The realization of the Alone, or the fecund Beginning, has to happen consciously within us each. We must evolve into the Wordless that words even these words on the Alone and aloneness. This Word words you and me, everyone, everything.
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*Amma..., Adorations to Amma, Flickr
The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.